Thursday 4 April 2013

D... is for Disability

I've travelled a lot around India, and if you have any idea of India, then you'll believe me when I say, very little surprises me. One of the most stark things that stared me in the face when I came to Scotland was, disability. So many people, both young and old, rich and poor, native and foreign origin, seemed to be disabled. What on earth was going on? And why? I wondered for a few weeks... I thought on the lines of genetic factors, social and environmental factors, and various other things before the answer hit me.
It wasn't at all that more people were disabled here; it was that I ran into more disabled people, because they were out and about. They were in buses, on the streets, in the supermarkets, at cafes. They were in castles and cathedrals, shops and cinemas, and they were leading normal lives. This realisation was a harsh one... for in India, the disabled are hidden away and cloistered, most building still don't have access for disabled people...
I like that the Government here helps people. It is kind. It is on the rest of us.
I took this picture on a bus, by stealth, because he looked like a pukka Scot, had quite a fiesty personality :)
and was on a motorised wheelchair (which went vroom vroom!). He nodded off to sleep, the darling man...

Update: I have since found out that this is Tom Gilzean, do read about him here. What a man!
This post is part of the ongoing A-to-Z Challenge. Previously, AyeBerwick, Cramond.


Paula said...

How very sad that India hides them away. There are so many disabled that have very productive lives! Love the picture!

Tony Laplume said...

Quite the observation!

Kate OMara said...

All dressed up in his tartan. Cute

Unknown said...

I'm enjoying your posts on your new life in Scotland. I don't know India or Scotland very well, but remember a movement of my own from living in New Zealand to years in Britain. Thanks for sharing your incites, and sharing Scotland with fresh eyes for me.

Dani and Jax said...

He looks very valiant! Love the medals.
Dani & Jax @ Cover Girls

Anonymous said...

Really awesome post. It's a shame the way public transport and the general outdoors are unkind to the disabled in India.

Dani said...

I'm loving his medals!
Dani @ Entertaining Interests

Hannah said...

That's quite a sad realisation to have really. I like the photo you grabbed though he looks like proper proud Scot!