Wednesday 4 April 2012


D is for 'Dumbledore'.
Well, to be honest, when I noted down the names of characters from A to Z, that I'd be covering here; D was for Darcy. But, I'd never been crazy about Darcy, I didn't know why all the girls used to be fussing over him all the time. And let's admit it, compared to the greatest wizard that ever lived, what's a mere muggle!

Dumbledore was a grandfather figure, except that he was wayyyyy cooler because he was a wizard. Such a shame he died. But oh, so many things were taught and learnt. Be good, be strong, and be honest. Don't give up if you're right. Respect laws, but on't forget to break them once in a while. Love. Live. Never betray your friends. Respect your family and teachers. Everything good and kind was he. Which makes me want to repeat that good things do not happen to good people.
Words such as these still give me goosebumps  “It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Oh, I will always love him

Dumbledore, in the Great Hall


Pa Ul said...

I love Harry Potter and of the course your post :)

do check out my D at GAC a-z

S. L. Hennessy said...

Snape, Snape, Severus Snape...DUMBLEDORE!!! Best post of the day!!

Great post and happy A-Z blogging.

JoJo said...

LOVE Dumbledore too! I was stunned and crushed when Snape killed him (till the next book and realized why).

M Pax said...

It would be cool to have a relative be a wizard.

Teresa Cypher said...

You chose such a beautiful quote from Dumbledore! I never read the books, but liked the movies. He gave such a good message--that any child could relate to. I still find it fascinating that there were parent groups when the first book was released, who raised a ruckus and said it should not be available to their children because of wizards and sorcery. :-( Sure glad they didn't get their way. :-) Thanks for visiting my blog! I will be back :-)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome post ! :) Of course, who doesn't love Dumbledore. My favourite quote is from book one where he says " It does not do to dwell on our dreams and forget to live" . Also, I'm VERY partial to socks as well :P

Udita Banerjee said...

@M Pax: Yes! Sooo cool :)
@Teresa: I'm gla too. What's childhood withou magic?!
@Sujata: Oh. Socks must be you 'S' then, I want to know more!