Tuesday, 24 April 2012


U is for ‘Ursula’.
The mother in ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’, she is the wife of Colonel Buendia and along with her husband, the founder of Macondo. This book is so unreal that certain events are almost believable. Ursula oversees six out of the seven generations of Buendias covered in this book, she is over a hundred years of age.
I loved her devotion towards her old and senile husband and towards her many strange kids and grandkids. She was an intelligent woman, she found a way from Macondo to the outside world when no one else could. She took stray waif-like children in, she was kind. And like a lot of other characters in the book, she was quite a bit of magic. Ursula, although the name has an evil tone to it, was a woman of great strength; she reminds me of my Grandma.

The author and the book

So far: Atticus, Beth, Cassius, Dumbledore, Estella, Francesca, Gandalf, Humbert, Ishmael, Jean-Baptiste, Kali, Long John Silver & Lisbeth, Miu, Nancy, Oliver, Piyali, Quentin, Rebecca, Scarlett, Tita

I'm writing every day of April for the A-to-Z April Blogging Challenge 2012. I'm writing of characters of fiction that are immortal and touch hundreds of lives everyday...


Arlee Bird said...

I liked that book though I don't remember much of it since it was about 25 years ago when I read it. I need to read it again. I used to have a customer who was a German lady named Ursula.

Weird, weird, weird…
A Faraway View
An A to Z Co-host blog

Ro @ Eat Live Move said...

Great informative post and theme! I really enjoyed reading about Ursula.

Eat Live Move: Intuitive Eating from A to Z!

Wisewebwoman said...

Here from A-Z, I love your theme and Ursula is one of my heroines.
We need them

Udita Banerjee said...

Wow, 25 years is sure a long long time ago!
@Ro: Thanks. And thanks for stopping by.
@Wisewebwoman: Yes, we do need women like that, thanks!